Workout Tracking Software for Affiliate Gyms, Coaches, and Athletes

Are you looking for a better way to track your client’s progress? Are you still tracking workouts by pen and paper? If so, RhinoFit can help! We can simplify those coaching tasks for you with our built-in fitness assessments, workout tracking software, and programming tools. You can easily monitor your client’s progress and personal achievements, while providing encouragement when needed.
The Perfect Training Program for your Gym
Whether your client’s goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or to advance their skill set, you need to create a training program and a timeline to achieve those goals. Workout tracking software is the ultimate solution. A tracking system saves you time, elevates your coaching skills, and enhances your client’s performance!
Learn about why RhinoFit’s workout tracking software is the perfect training program for your clients!
Workout of the Day (WOD) Software for Athletes
RhinoFit’s fitness tracking system is designed for every type of gym under the sun! There’s no limit to what type of exercises you can create – it’s totally up to you! Build one set of exercises for aerobic conditioning and another for a pre-class warm-up. Some of the exercises you can create include:
Stretching Exercises
Create stretching exercises like the Standing Hip Flexor Stretch, Side Lunge, Standing Quad, Glute Bridges, Butterfly, and Standing Quad, and more.
Running Exercises
Incorporate running exercises like the 50 or 100 Yard Dash, Jogging, 1 Mile Run, and Timed Runs.
Add Weights
Add weights to any exercise, or incorporate things such as kettlebells, steps, jump ropes, or medicine balls. If you own it, you can add it!
Create Unity in your Gym with the Leaderboard
The leaderboard is more than just a way to display results. It’s a tool designed to unify members while they engage in a spirited competition. In the CrossFit world, members of the same “tribe” compete against each other, performing a set of exercises called a WOD (Workout of the Day). As each athlete finishes the WOD, they post their time to the leaderboard and check the results.
The leaderboard serves as a digital ice breaker, uniting members over a common goal. As they share their experience, new friendships are formed. They’ll look forward to coming to the gym to compete with their fellow members! It’s a win-win for everyone involved. The gym stays full, and members stay happy!
Workout Tracking Software Made Easy!
In addition to the leaderboard, RhinoFit also provides a way for athletes to track their workout progress. After completing an exercise, the results are entered into the athlete’s client portal. Athletes can compare their results and trainers can use this data to determine where they need improvement. The workout tracking software is the perfect tool to engage and motivate members. Athletes love to see their performance levels rise!

Use these touch screen friendly tools to enter the times, rounds, and reps after completing each exercise in the workout of the day.

Display the workout of the day, timer, and the athlete’s workout results live. See where they rank in comparison to others on the Leaderboard.

Use our built-in timer with start/stop option, count-down feature, and buzzer alarm for your AMRAP, EMOM, or AFAP workout.
Our software saves you time, elevates your coaching skills, and enhances your client’s performance! Take full advantage of RhinoFit’s built-in fitness assessments, workout tracking, and programming tools!