Electronically Sign Digital Gym Waivers On Any Device

digital gym waivers displayed on a tablet for gym user to sign

Do you require your members to sign a waiver before they start using the gym? Are you a personal trainer who makes their clients sign a waiver? If so, RhinoFit offers digital gym waivers complete with preformatted templates, the option to create new digital waivers, and the ability to have them signed electronically. What could be easier?

The gym can be a dangerous place for beginners as well as the seasoned professional. Consequently, gym owners like to protect themselves with a waiver. However, waivers aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on unless they’re signed. This causes problems for some people due to reasons beyond their control, such as schedules, or workout times. RhinoFit makes it easy to receive a signed waiver before the member arrives at the gym.

Upload A Custom File

The custom file option requires the gym owner to upload a physical document such as a PDF or Word Document to be signed electronically. This option works well for gyms currently using a waiver.

Use The Smartwaiver Service

Smartwaiver is a 3rd party PAID service where users may convert their digital documents into electronic signature ready waivers. Smartwaiver manages the waivers and stores them for you.

Use RhinoSign

RhinoSign is part of RhinoFit and allows you to create custom waivers yourself or choose a pre-existing waiver that's ready to sign. Waivers are stored inside of RhinoFit and it's FREE to use.

Customizable Digital Waivers For Each Type Of Gym

Not all waivers are created equal. Each gym will have a different set of questions depending on the type of activities offered. We make it easy to create custom waivers tailored to your gym. For instance, a yoga studio might only need emergency contact information whereas a massage therapist might need to know about any previous injuries. We make it easy to create a custom waiver specifically tailored to your gym.

Basic Contact Information

Each waiver has space for basic contact information like address, phone numbers, emergency contact and more.

Health Questions

Add questions about medical information like height, weight, age, smoker, drinker, medications taken, past surgeries and more.

Level Of Fitness

Before training can begin some gyms need to establish a baseline. Ask questions about prior gym experience, aches or pains, physical limitations.

How Do I Create Digital Gym Waivers?

RhinoFit has included a wide variety of tools to create digital gym waivers. These tools make it simple to collect different types of data from your members. Each tool provided has it’s own specific purpose. Used together they create detailed waivers suitable for any gym or fitness location. Preview our quick video about digital waivers.

Text Fields

Include text input fields so members can enter their text based answers directly into the waiver.

Yes/No Questions

Ask a Yes/No question where members select the appropriate answer from the available options.

Signature Field

Include a signature field in your waiver for members to sign their name digitally.

RhinoFit Gym Member Management System Price chart - includes karate software and taekwondo software running on Desktop, Laptop, and Mobile devices.

Protect Yourself With Digital Gym Waivers

RhinoFit's Digital Waiver System Creates Professional Waivers For All Types Of Gyms & Fitness Locations