Easily Manage Your Class Calendar With RhinoFit

Manage your class calendar with confidence using RhinoFit’s gym management software. Our fitness software provides you with all the tools needed to create a class schedule and manage it effortlessly. Add classes and appointments, as well as events to your calendar. If you run a class based gym or offer appointments with service personnel, like personal trainers or massage therapists, our calendar will work perfectly for your needs.

Creating Classes & Appointments For Your Calendar

Before you can begin using the calendar, you’ll first need to create some classes and appointments. Enter the name, description, and other information pertaining to class limits. Next, begin adding them to the calendar. The same applies to creating appointments for personal trainers or other third party providers. Finally, the calendar may be used by students and staff.

Class Calendar Features For Students

Calendar Display Options

Display the calendar by month, week, or day. You also have the option to scroll through day by day, or jump right to today's date.

Color Coded Classes

When setting up the classes, you have the option to set a color for each class. This makes it easy for users to find them.

Class Times

In addition to color coding classes, the class time is also displayed in case the class is offered several times during the day.

Attendance Count

RhinoFit displays the current number of people signed up for the class. Pick which class size works best for you.


Students may reserve their class space. Adding their name to the reservation list guarantees their space in that class before it reached capacity.

Wait List

Students have the option to add their name to a wait list. In the event of a cancellation, the first wait list name is elevated to a reservation.

Staff Members Using The Class Calendar

Staff can easily manage the class calendar. To start, using the calendar, click on any of the classes currently being offered. This opens up a window with several options available. You may edit the class, delete the class, specify an instructor, or add a workout of the day.  

In addition to editing the class itself, you may also add members to either the wait list or make a reservation for a member over the phone. You may also add a drop-in, edit the reservation or wait list, and mark members as attended.

Manage Attendance

After the class is complete, the instructor has the ability to move all students from the reservation list to the attended list with one mouse click.

Remove Students

Remove students form either the wait or reservation list upon a cancellation. A member on the wait list will then be moved to reserved.

Add A Drop-In

Some gyms don't require a membership to attend a class. Referred to as drop-ins, they may be added to the reserved list and charge a drop-in fee.

RhinoFit Gym Member Management System Price chart - includes karate software and taekwondo software running on Desktop, Laptop, and Mobile devices.

Manage Your Class Calendar With Ease

RhinoFit has everything you need for a class or appointment based facility.