Dojo Demonstration Of RhinoFit Features

We’ve put this dojo demonstration together to simulate the different web pages you can create with the RhinoFit Management Software. Our software makes use of iFrames to bring dynamic content to your company website. By using these iFrames you can create a product store, membership store, marketing form, or class calendar. Once created in the RhinoFit software you can then add these iFrames to your company website. 

RhinoFit iFrames

Use iFrames to enhance your current dojo website. Collect leads, sell products & memberships and display your class calendar on your company website. The iFrames allow your RhinoFit software to interact with your website. They both work hand in hand together, delivering you more sales, revenue, and members.

Collect Leads From Your Website

Add the Prospect Widget to any page of your website and start collecting leads immediately. Anytime someone completes the form, a new prospect is added directly to your  RhinoFit software. 

You can then contact them directly to give them a tour of your facility or sell them a membership.

A Dojo Demonstration Of A Product Store

Create your products in the RhinoFit software. Add a description, set up the pricing, and upload pictures. Once you have them built, simply add the iFrame code to any page in your website to bring the store to life. Visitors will be able to purchase these products, pay for them online, and all the details from the sale are recorded within RhinoFit.

A Membership Store Demonstration

Just like the product store, you can now sell memberships online. Create them in RhinoFit, and then place the iFrame code on any page inside your company website. Your visitors purchase the membership and all the transaction details as well as the membership appear in the RhinoFit software.

Sign Into Your Class Or Book An Appointment Today!

Let your members sign into classes or appointments directly from your website. Create your classes inside the RhinoFit software. Then using the Rhinofit iFrame, bring the calendar directly to your website. Users can sign in, put themselves on a waitlist or cancel their spot in the class.

RhinoFit Gym Member Management System Price chart - includes karate software and taekwondo software running on Desktop, Laptop, and Mobile devices.

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