Dojo Software For Martial Art Studios & MMA Schools

Are you spending more time behind a computer than teaching your students martial arts? If so, it might be time to switch to RhinoFit MMA software. Our software contains many time saving features, thus eliminating many of the time consuming tasks keeping you behind the computer.

We’ve automated the billing process, which is one of the most  time consuming tasks for any gym owner. Likewise, we’ve made communicating with your students a breeze as well. Send them emails or SMS messages to let them know about upcoming events or test dates.

MMA Software - Belt Tracking System

Our belt tracking system makes it easy to assign ranks and keep track of your students progress. You design the belts, create the criteria, and distribute the belts through the RhinoFit MMA software. Students may log into the system to view their performance history as well. No longer is it a chore to manage your students certifications with RhinoFit MMA software.

Image of RhinoFit's martial arts belt tracking software feature

See What Others Are Saying About Our MMA Software

We’re a school of traditional Japanese karate in Alexandria, VA and had used a big name software for five years before switching to RhinoFit in January 2017. We left our old software because for two reasons. First, their monthly software and app fees (exclusive of credit card processing fees) to us increased from $100 to $400, yet in five years they did nothing to enhance the software features for martial arts clients.

Second, it was extremely difficult to navigate, even experienced clients (like us) must call technical support weekly to receive guidance on how to utilize the software. Although through September 2016, waiting times for tech support were no longer than 12 or 15 minutes, thereafter, waiting times increased to between 30 and 90 minutes. Of course, we couldn’t run our business under such conditions. So, we did a lot of research and concluded that RhinoFit would be best for us.

Our conclusions are as follows
  1. RhinoFit offers the powerful reporting capacity that we required, as well as WOD and other features that make running a martial arts business easier.
  2. The transition to RhinoFit has been easy. We paid a $75 fee for them to upload spreadsheets that we downloaded from our previous software. We had to manually input our students’ contracts and payment data, but RhinoFit does not lose points on this because we have found no software vendor that offers this service.
  3. Our monthly fees to RhinoFit are less than 10 percent of what we used to pay.
  4. Best of all, in these first weeks of using RhinoFit, there have been plenty of times when we didn’t know how to use the software. After five years with our old software, our natural inclination was to call tech support. However, we have found that we are able to figure out how to use RhinoFit on our own because its software is intuitive!
  5. When we can’t figure things out on our own and need to call RhinoFit, they pick up the phone after two or three rings between 9:00am and 5:00pm EST. No more waiting for a half hour, an hour or longer.

In sum, in terms of ease of use, features and cost, we find it extremely hard to imagine any martial arts school choosing another software over RhinoFit. It’s truly a no-brainer.

Best of luck!

Richard Romero, Master Instructor & Founder
Seichou Karate

Spend Less Tme Managing Your Dojo And More Time Training