Application Updates, December 2023

System Updates

Application Updates, December 2023

Enhancements to Existing Features

Hold Feature for Group Memberships

  • Resolved issue where placing a group membership on hold did not work as intended. Placing a group membership on hold now places all associated members on hold.
  • Fixed the problem where lifting a hold before its end date would delete the membership. The system now prevents lifting a hold that would result in an expiration date in the past.

Membership Editing Enhancements

  • Adjusted the system behavior when editing a membership and changing it to a different plan. It no longer resets the membership to the original start date, preventing unintended billing issues.
  • The underlying membership can no longer be changed while the user’s membership is on hold.

Addition of New Features

New Access Rights Option

Added a specific access right for staff members to manage user memberships: “Edit or cancel user memberships and apply or lift holds.” “Owner” and “Full Access” permissions include this right by default, but any other staff must have this right explicitly granted.

New Report “Membership Holds”

Membership Holds now has a report that shows all membership holds, active and lifted, for any selected date range, along with who lifted the hold and when it was lifted.

These updates will enforce expected business logic while managing your users and their memberships, thereby streamlining your facilities operations. These were implemented pursuant to observations from various client interactions, whereby the clients interaction yielded unintended results, and the updates reflect the overarching and patent necessities of membership management. Therefore, these modifications to membership management reflects RhinoFit’s commitment to customer and industry requirements.

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