RhinoFit Introduces a Native App for Gym Members

Image of the RhinoFit Hub app

RhinoFit Introduces a Native App for Gym Members

RhinoFit is proud to introduce our new native app for Android and iOS users! The new mobile app offers an improved user experience for members to easily check into their facility, reserve classes, and to communicate with other members.  With the new RhinoFit Hub app, users, members, and students can do the following:

  • Access or check into their facility with the QR code on the Home tab, as well as view club information and their upcoming schedule (including appointments, events, and reservations).  
  • Browse classes, events, and appointments via the Calendar tab. (View up to 30 days in the past and 60 days in the future). 
  • View personal contact information, memberships, payment profile, and benchmarks from the Personal tab. Hot links into the RhinoFit application are made available to facilitate editing certain details. 
  • Share short messages and pictures with other members on The Wall. Posts can be flagged and removed pending review. You may also delete your own messages. 
  • View details from over a dozen systems on the Reports tab, including access tracking, appointments, attendance, bills, events, memberships, payments, reservations, and various workout statistics.  
  • Reserve and cancel classes, mark attendance, and register for events on the Home, Calendar, and Report tabs. 

Additionally, the mobile application can operate with restricted functionality when network connectivity is poor or non-existent. In an event where there is no network connectivity, the app will operate in its offline mode. In this mode, members can still access their facility using their QR code and see information as it was when it was last available.  

RhinoFit Hub Major Upgrades

RhinoFit Hub has many new and improved features compared to previous applications! These include: 

  • Staying logged in for an extended period and an easier log in process due to ability to save credentials in various password manager(s), e.g. Apple Passwords app, Samsung Pass, Google Passwords, etc. 
  • QR code on home page for quicker gym access, as well as upcoming schedule at a glance. 
  • Phone screen friendly and easier to navigate calendar page featuring all classes, events and booked appointments. 
  • Dedicated page for all the reports with option to see more details on each item and ability to register for events, cancel reservations, and mark attendance directly from report list.

RhinoFit Hub Features

Home Page

Image of the RhinoFit Hub Home PageRhinoFit Hub’s home screen is simple and seamless to use. Every time the app navigates to the home screen, the user will have 3 types of ID at their disposal: photo, full name and opened QR code tab with current code and number. When members enter the gym, they simply scan their QR code and enter the facility. It’s as easy as it gets! 

There is also a closed tab containing club information where the user can see gym name and address, phone, email, and website. All these items are clickable, meaning the facility address will open maps, a click on a phone number will open the phone app, a click on an email will open the email app, and a click on a website will open the browser.  

The last item on the home screen will be the upcoming tab, which is open by default. This tab will show upcoming appointments they booked, all upcoming events, and reservations. Users can click any of these items to get more details.  


Image of the RhinoFit Hub CalendarNo matter how many classes, appointments, or events your facility is offering, the calendar is an organized and easy way for members to sign up. The screen defaults to a weekly calendar, which can be extended to a month view… it’s completely up to the user! To book an appointment or register for a paid event, they will be directed to RhinoFit. Currently, RhinoFit Hub’s calendar is restricted to 30 days in the past and 60 days in the future.


Image of the RhinoFit Hub Personal PageThe personal tab includes information about each member, just for personal use. It has all member information in one place! This page includes a user photo, full name, and email at the top. This is followed by an account information tab with user information such as address, home, and mobile phone. If users want to update any of their information, there is a button that will redirect them right to RhinoFit. 

The next tab is memberships, where members can see their current memberships. To see each membership, users can click on each one to view details. To buy memberships or update a payment type, they will be directed to RhinoFit. The final tab on this page is reserved for the list of benchmarks. Users can click on benchmarks to see details or delete them. 

The Wall

Image of the RhinoFIt Hub WallWhat better way to stay motivated than to have fellow members hold each other accountable? Similar to many popular social media platforms, the wall allows members to post messages or pictures (from camera or photo library). Whether members want to share a healthy recipe, a new Pilates workout, or ask a quick question, the sky is the limit! It is the perfect way to bond with fellow members and stay in the loop.  

Feel free to delete your posts at any time or flag an inappropriate post. When a post is flagged, it will be hidden from public view and sent to staff for a review. The author of the flagged post will be banned from logging in for 20 hours.  

The wall displays messages made in the last 7 days only. 


Image of the RhinoFit Hub Report PageReports provide valuable information into one’s workout journey! All items are clickable to reveal more details about each. Start and end dates are set via pop up calendar where users can choose the date or manually type in the date. Members can choose among 13 different reports: 

  1. Access Tracking 
  2. Appointments  
  3. Attendance 
  4. Bills 
  5. Events 
  6. Memberships 
  7. My Workout Statistics  
  8. My Workouts
  9. Payments 
  10. Reservations 
  11. WOD Competitions 
  12. WOD Reporting 
  13. WOD Tracking 
Offline Mode

Connection can get lost sometimes; it happens! With RhinoFit Hub, no need to stress about a lost connection. The app will automatically go into offline mode and users will still be able to see their QR code and all the data that was saved last time they were online. With that being said, when offline, users will not be able to access or update things that require a connection. Once a member goes back online, they can either refresh the page or restart the app to go back in online mode.   

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