Maximize Your Revenue by Adding a Product Store to your Gym

Woman happy about adding a product store to her gym

Maximize Your Revenue by Adding a Product Store to your Gym

Product Store To The Rescue!

Product stores bring in additional revenue. Set up a retail or online shop to bring in extra revenue and maximize your sales efforts. With a product store, you’re able to sell custom merchandise, gym attire, equipment, or sports nutritional supplements. You could potentially add hundreds or even thousands of dollars to your monthly revenue for your gym.

Create an Online Store for Selling Products

Setting up an online store can be done directly from your gym’s website or gym management software. Additionally you may use a 3rd party e-commerce provider depending on your budget and scope of business. For most gym owners, adding a simple “buy now” button or product store integration with your gym software should be sufficient.

We recommend using a member management software that has a built-in product store. This way all you need to do is add a simple iframe to your site to begin selling goods and services using just one platform. Since most gym management software providers include this option, you will be able to set up this online shop for little, to no additional costs.

An online store should have the basic functionality to set up multiple products, manage your product inventory, and to calculate any applicable sales taxes.

Product Store


Setting up a Pro-Shop at your Gym

Creating a pro-shop at your gym is another great way to get your products in front of your members. Depending on your gym’s layout, consider purchasing retail shelfing, commercial refrigerators, or vending machines. Create a small retail environment and make your products easily available. Doing so will allow you to capitalize on impulse purchases at your gym.

Consider adding a simple cash register along with a UPC Barcode scanner. Just enter your products into the database and scan the bar code for a simple and efficient check-out process. Bill your clients using information already stored in your gym’s software.  Send out instant receipts to their email address.

Depending on the amount of foot traffic and volume of purchases that you get at your gym.  you may also want to consider adding Point Of Sale equipment such as a mobile card -reader or credit card machine to help speed up your check process.

5 Items To Consider Selling At Your Gym

  1. Ready to Drink Products
  2. Custom T-shirts and Merchandise
  3. Gym Equipment
  4. Sports Nutrition Products
  5. Fitness Gear and Accessories

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