Cancel Planet Fitness Membership

Members cancel membership in droves.

Cancel Planet Fitness Membership

Recently, a policy of a large corporate gym, Planet Fitness, has lead a substantial number of customers to cancel their memberships and as such they have been searching “cancel Planet Fitness membership”. It’s unclear whether this wave of cancellations is the driving force behind a reported loss of $400 million in the entities stock price, or the market is adjusting the price on other factors. (See for detailed news coverage on the matter.)

Regardless, the effect is many people have already cancelled or are looking to cancel their gym membership. To whatever extent an individual may seek to cancel their Planet Fitness membership, here is a short article from wikiHow: How To Cancel Membership, and the FAQ page for Planet Fitness regarding the process: Cancel Planet Fitness Membership FAQ.

However, regular exercise is an important component of maintaining overall health. Individuals who are cancelling a membership obviously recognized the importance of exercise enough to have a membership in the first place. Therefore, it’s likely they will be looking for a new membership at a new gym. RhinoFit is used by many gyms across the country, and there may be one nearby you. Find a gym near you by clicking here: Find a RhinoFit Gym Near Me.

The fitness industry is an ever changing land scape. Large corporate conglomerates have taken over numerous industries over the years, and the intensity applied by public corporations to acquire and consolidate the fitness industry is ever present. Despite market endeavors to consume the market share, Gymnasiums and Fitness Studios are a wonderful opportunity for citizens to engage in commerce by opening small businesses and patronizing the same. The recent news is another but less expected demonstration of how disruptive consolidation can be within an industry. Instead of moving business from one corporate entity to another, consider taking your business to a private entrepreneur. They can often provide a genuine experience, with better customer service, and can be sincerely appreciative of your business.

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