Save Time with RhinoFit's Email Automations!
Are you looking for an easy way to stay in touch with all your members? Are you tired of sending out individual text reminders for appointments, class changes, or events? Save time with RhinoFit’s email automations!
If you’re like most gym owners, you may not have the financial resources to hire a general manager or staff administrator to oversee your day-to-day operations. So how do you get the word out about all your classes, appointments, and activities?
RhinoFit’s communication tools can help! Communication is key in running a successful fitness program! It’s an important tool for both attracting new members, but also keeping your current members informed. With RhinoFit’s email automations, we help to bridge that communication gap so you can stay engaged with your members. Plus, you add a personal touch to your communications!
Stay Engaged with RhinoFit's Email Automations
There are many reasons to reach out to your gym members. You need to note things like cancelled classes, events, birthdays, anniversaries, or late payments. The list is up to you! Your members expect you to keep them in the loop.
RhinoFit’s Email Automations make communicating with your members as simple as possible. It includes all the tools you need to send out any type of email, so you can spend your valuable time elsewhere.
How do Email Automations work?
Simply start by selecting one of the email automations from the list, which can also be edited if necessary. Create the subject line of the email and enter the number of days prior to the event. If a member’s birthday is in a week, program it to send in 7 days. You will save yourself time and won’t forget!
For sending out custom emails, there are three choices: groups, individuals, members. Easily send an email to a single person, all students, staff, prospects, alumni, or trial members!
Personalize your Email Automations with RhinoFit
Another convenient feature that’s offered are variables. Variables hold specific member data and are used when sending the same email to numerous people at once. This is a wonderful tool because you can personalize the email to everyone in just seconds! You save time by simply inputting the offered variables.
Here are a few examples:
- #DATE#
Worried that you’ll send an email and won’t be able to look back on it in the future? Don’t be! RhinoFit’s software keeps all your past emails and organizes them for each individual member. When you go into a member’s profile, you will be able to see all your previous email conversations in order
Create Custom Email Automations and Templates
To save you time and energy, RhinoFit provides custom templates for events. Since last minute things will always come up, we can make the email notification process quick and easy for you.
For example, if an instructor calls out sick just a few hours before their class session, you will create and send out an email to the class members. Instead of having to repeat this entire process when this happens again, you can save the first email as a template and always have it ready to go!
You can design custom templates for just about any reason. Whether it is an overdue payment notice, expiring credit card warning, or birthday, create and save a template to make the email process much simpler!
Other ways to communicate with RhinoFit
Text Message: Sometimes, emails aren’t always necessary… especially when people forget to check their inbox often. If you need to send a quick reminder or last-minute notice, you can text them. Through the RhinoFit software, we make it as simple as possible for you to text any member(s). Your members are also able to communicate with you or others through text message. To guarantee no confusion, the SMS button always stays at the top of the RhinoFit screen for you to easily click any moment!
The Wall: Another great communication feature is a digital message board called The Wall. Members can post any photos or messages of their choosing to share with their fellow gym members! This is an excellent way to communicate before or after a workout and talk about anything, like how successful their training session was! There is also a Staff Wall for all the staff to share whatever they want. If posts are considered inappropriate, they will fall under the Flagged Posts tab.
Bring in New Members with Email Marketing: Daily Story & MailChimp
There are many benefits to email marketing. Not only is it cost effective, but it’s also a great way to reach thousands of potential consumers with the click of a button. The gym industry is large and successful, so email marketing is key! When running an email marketing campaign, it should be well structured with captivating images and headlines.
It is also crucial to segment your audience, personalize your content, and track engagement. When all of this is considered, you should see a noticeable difference.
RhinoFit has teamed up with two well known email advertising platforms, DailyStory and MailChimp. With a simple code, you can connect the platforms and run email and content campaigns to help grow your business. It’s simple! These companies provide you with marketing tools you’ll need to succeed. Listed below are a few of the notable features:
- Dashboard: Both companies provide a dashboard with all the tools you’ll need to create smart and effective marketing campaigns. The dashboard is straightforward and easy to use.
- Content Building: Drag & drop images, text, or other content sections with just a simple mouse grab.
- QR Codes: Create QR codes that keep track of how often they’re scanned.
- Segmentation: To specifically target your audience, decide who receives your message.
- SMS Messages: Reach out to your members and send text messages regarding any last-minute events, cancellations, etc.
- Campaign Statistics: When marketing, it is crucial to keep track of your statistics. What posts got the most views? How many emails were opened? How many clicks did the link get? The list goes on and on! Having this information available allows you to better your marketing efforts.
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