It’s commonly said that the hardest part about being in shape is the nutritional aspect, not actually working out. You might have members who work out or attend classes, but what about after they leave your gym? As a gym owner, you should be concerned about the well-being of them outside of the walls of your gym.
Check out These Tips on How to Work Nutrition into Your Gym
Partner with Meal Prep Services
One easy way to incorporate nutrition into your gym is by partnering with a local meal prep company! Many people know how to work out and do it effectively, but some people don’t have a full grasp on healthy cooking and portion control. By getting your gym connected to a meal prep service, they deliver healthy meals right to your member’s door, with pre-cooked food and all the nutrition information! A lot of people know which foods are healthy, but they might not have time to cook healthy meals. Giving your members an option to ensure they keep their diet in check is a great way they keep ensure proper nutrition when they leave the gym. Another thing, you can also negotiate a revenue split with the meal prep company for referrals they get from your gym!
Deliver Nutrition Right to Your Members!
Consider implementing a smoothie bar if you already haven’t! This is a great way to enhance member satisfaction and this allows members to refuel right after a workout. Not to mention, it’s also a way to increase revenue for your gym! This gives another selling point for prospective members. You don’t need to stop yourself with just a smoothie bar. You can also consider selling other post-workout options such as acai/fruit bowls, protein bars, and ready-to-drink protein shakes. Gym-goers tend to be always on the run and giving them the option to refuel will be much appreciated!
Share Recipes + Knowledge with Members
If you’re serious about incorporating nutrition into the core of your gym, why not post about it on your website? Post daily or weekly blog posts about healthy recipes, snacks, and food hacks. You can send emails out to your members with these blogs or tutorials to keep in touch with them more often. Consider implementing food challenges for your members! One example could be challenging members to go 28 days without soda. Mix things up and always keep it interesting.
Consider Events Focused on Nutrition
If you’re serious about the wellness of people going to your gym, add events at your gym focused on nutrition! Bring in dieticians and hold a seminar or workshop focused on nutrition and food choices. Bringing valuable resources to your members shows them you care! Offering resources like this will push them closer towards their goals. Having an active seminar with members can deep-dive into what they are doing right and wrong as far as their current nutrition is concerned. You must remember everyone that goes to your gym is there for a different reason. Not everyone has their health in check and could use all the tips they can get from you and other resources you can provide.
Typically, gyms and fitness studios cater to the nutritional needs of their clients inside and outside of the gym. By adding nutrition in your gym, along with ample resources that equip your members with nutritional knowledge, this can increase member retention and satisfaction.