RhinoFit Featured Gym Spotlight: Big Curve Fitness LLC

big curve fitness

RhinoFit Featured Gym Spotlight: Big Curve Fitness LLC

In our RhinoFit gym spotlight of the month, we’re featuring Big Curve Fitness LLC.   Big Curve Fitness is owned by Dennis Picklesimer and their gym is located in Yuma, Arizona. They have been in business for 1 year and currently offer a 24/7 Gym with Virtual Classes on an 80″ TV

Name of Business?

Big Curve Fitness LLC

Where is your business located?

Yuma Arizona

How long have you been in business?

1 Year

What types of services or classes do you currently offer your community?

Cardio, Weightlifting, Senior Programs

How long have you used RhinoFit Software?

11 months

What were the main reasons you chose this software?

Flexibility and ability to use your cell phone for entry.

How has RhinoFit helped to support and grow your business?

Customers really like the app feature to enter the building and ease of use.

With COVID-19, what changes have you made to your business to keep your members safe?

We provide hand sanitizers throughout the facility along with daily wipe downs by our staff and when we built out gym all of our equipment was already spaced at over 6 feet apart.

Where can people go to sign up for your classes or services?

Big Curve Fitness, we personally meet every member and give them a tour of our facility and answer any questions they have, once a member we show them how to access the building.

Big Curve Fitness 2 Resize Big Curve Fitness 3 Resize

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