Read Our Blog To Learn More About RhinoFit & How To Grow Your Gym
At RhinoFit we’re here to simplify gym management software for all types of gyms, studios, and recreation centers. With powerful features to automate gym operations, we give you all the tools to succeed and grow with us.
No More Chasing Down Members For Bills Are you tired of chasing down your members for overdue membership fees? Tired of driving to the bank
What Makes Gym Software “The Best”? In today’s everchanging fitness industry, it’s easy for gym owners to get caught up in all the hype over
What Are Merchant Services Gym owners use merchant services to process credit card and ACH transactions. Furthermore, if you own a gym and would like
ACH Payments ACH payments or Automated Clearing House, is one of the largest, safest, and most reliable types of payment collection forms. This payment method
Operational costs eat up profits. Don’t understand your merchant fees or rates? Don’t know if you’re getting the best deal on your software? You’re not
Looking for a way to grow a healthy pipeline of leads and collect that data seamlessly from your website? Website forms are a great tool
COVID-19 has changed our day-to-day lives in 2020. New protections were put in place to help alleviate the spread of the virus. These protections include
As the nation and world continues to see a rise in COVID-19 cases, we are seeing many major cities and states being forced to shut
Belt tracking software allows your students to visually track their progress. It provides a visual representation of the students current status within the class. From
If you’re like most coaches and gym owners, you have probably struggled to keep up with the ever-changing federal, state, and county guidelines with COVID-19.
3001 Eastland Blvd, Suite 5, Clearwater, FL 33761
Service: 800-947-3156 | Sales: 866-858-0304
Copyright © 2015 RhinoFit®, All Rights Reserved. Rhino Software is a DBA of Gulf Management Systems, Inc. (GMS). GMS is a registered agent of Strategic Payment Systems, Inc (SPS). SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Walnut Creek, CA, SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, NE. American Express® requires separate approval.