Two 2017 Software Awards Now Belong To RhinoFit

Two 2017 Software Awards Now Belong To RhinoFit

risingstar userexperience2017

The RhinoFit team is proud to announce that our member management software has won the Rising Star Award for 2017 and the prestigious Great User Experience Award delivered by FinancesOnline. FinancesOnline is a review website that has featured our software in a detailed RhinoFit review, where their experts enthusiastically analyzed how we benefit gyms, boxing clubs, and dojos.  User experience is calculated by their elaborate Customer Satisfaction Algorithm™ .

FinancesOnline has reviewed many software options and we are very happy to be included in their best club management category.  As discussed in the review, RhinoFit club management software is loaded with many features that are tailored to the needs of various business types, from the management of members to overseeing their operations, and processing of payments.  Experts also agreed that for a club management system, RhinoFit is competitively priced and is packed with many useful features for all types of member based businesses and personal trainers alike.

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