Application Updates Regarding New Features, Feature Enhancements, and Bug Fixes
New Features
- Added “FitOn”, “GrayGolden”, and “PeerFit” as supported insurance types for Insurance Reports.
- Remade Membership Detail reports:
- Pertinent meta data regarding membership metrics have been added to the Membership Detail reports;
- Average lifetime of a member with a membership is calculated and displayed inline with the Membership Detail; and
- The drill-down from “Membership Detail” to “List Students by Membership” report now lists risk factors associated with the member, including whether the member is or is not within the average lifetime of the membership.
- Added configurable options to Guardian system to facilitate operation according to each facility’s needs.
Feature Enhancements
- Added “Emergency Contact” to “Information” display that is referenced when viewing access logs and on the members “View Member” page.
- Unified Password Reset emails to (i) use one configurable template and (ii) more consistently display html hyperlink for the password token.
- Added support for “USERLAST” variable to online welcome automation emails.
- Added support to “Cancel” a bill from the “View Member” page.
- Support extends to new and failed bills, but not pending or paid bills.
- Added additional error handling and permission checks to API rails that handle bill cancellation requests.
- Added a HTML copy of the PDF Privacy Policy to adhere to Google’s policies regarding Android App publication.
- Added enhanced search and selection for drop down on Add/Edit User Membership, Package Selection, and Edit Package UIs.
- Added “Zelle” as a selectable offline payment.
- Added “Payment Profile” view to “My Profile” page of member UI.
- Added “Expiration Date” to “Payment Profile” view.
- Added “DELETED” tag to “Edit User Membership” UI when it’s loaded in reference to a membership that has been deleted; enhanced logic so that supporting meta data is properly loaded so the UI works as intended despite the membership being deleted.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where “Accept Payment” UI on “View Member” page would lock the screen, requiring a page refresh, when the feature was used a second time during the same page load.
- Fixed issue where certain buttons encountered on the public calendar interface were not properly aligning with other UI elements.
- Added additional logic to rate limiter to normalize formatting handling by internal queries.
- Fixed a bug where a deleted membership would not load its object data when the “Edit Package” UI was opened.
- Editing a package with a deleted membership now loads properly, but it includes the “DELETED” tag to clarify to the user that the underlying membership is deleted.
- New packages or editing packages not linked to a deleted membership still do not list deleted memberships.
- Fixed bug where the lifetime of a member would not show properly on the tailgating statistics display when the lifetime was greater than one year but the remainder was not divisible by any number of full months.
- Fixed bug where “Accept Payment” UI was not highlighting the bills that will be paid with the pending action.
These updates are in direct response to customer feedback and suggestions. They were implemented to address individual and general concerns of business owners. RhinoFit has published these updates to reinforce its commitment to its customers.