Why Your CrossFit Box Should Track WOD’s

Why Your CrossFit Box Should Track WOD’s

What Is A CrossFit WOD And How Do I Track It?

How do I track CrossFit WODs? In the CrossFit world, WOD stands for Workout Of The Day. Every day a new WOD is posted and members of the gym compete, trying to put up the best time. After each athlete performs the workout, the results need to be recorded. The question is…how?

Some gyms keep track of their WOD’s traditionally, using pen and paper or a whiteboard. In today’s world members expect to access their workouts digitally, instead of carrying a notebook to the gym.

Track CrossFit WOD's To Benefit Your Athletes

Most people decide to do CrossFit because they want to improve their overall fitness levels and SEE RESULTS. Not all people actively track their workout results, which can undermine their progress. Once they begin to track CrossFit WODs they gain confidence. It becomes much easier for them to speed up their workout times and strive for improvements.

Members Workout And Show Up At The Gym More

Providing your athletes with the ability to review previous workout data gives them an incentive to book more classes or workout more often. Additionally, they will be able to see which workouts suit them best.

Posting and tracking daily workouts boosts member interaction. Gyms can market these workouts to their members using social media or email campaigns. At the end of the day getting people into your gym is the goal. New and intriguing workouts are the key to being a successful CrossFit gym. 

How to Properly Track CrossFit WOD’s

Now that you’re considering actively tracking and promoting the WOD’s of your box, what’s the best way to do it? We offer a few suggestions below:

  •  Utilize CrossFit Management Tools
    The best way to keep members up-to-date with WOD’s is by utilizing a member management platform, such as RhinoFit. Through this, you can post WOD’s and members can view and track their personal WOD progress.
  •  Utilize Email/Social Media Tools

    If you’re not doing so already, post your WOD’s on your box’s social media profiles along with emailing current members. This is an easy way to promote your gym and maintain communication with current members.

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