3 Benefits Of Using WOD Tracking Software

workout tracking at your gym

3 Benefits Of Using WOD Tracking Software

When it comes to training your client, your client’s success is your success. Whether your client’s goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, or get to ready to compete, you must have a game plan of  how you are going to achieve those targeted goals. As a coach or personal trainer, this means building a training routine, scheduling workouts, and creating a timeline to have your client hit certain progressions and to learn specific skill sets. This process takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and time spent in planning and programming workouts and practices.

To help you save time with programming your workouts and tracking these progressions, it’s essential to utilize the best coaching tools that are available to keep you and your clients accountable for these goals. By using WOD tracking software, you will be able to not only save time programing, but you will be able to elevate your coaching skills and ultimately  enhance your client’s performance so that they hit their targeted goals faster.

Save Time Programming Your Workouts

By saving previous exercises and creating workout templates and routines, your trainers will have quick access to a library of exercises for skill-based training, warm up or cool down exercises, or other daily workouts. This will save you and your staff valuable time writing new workout routines and hunting down old client notes.

Elevate Your Coaching Skills

WOD Tracking Software will help to elevate your trainer’s skills by giving them key performance indicators to help measure the progress of your clients.  By using this valuable data, your coaches can now review past benchmarks, personal records, milestones, and other skills achieved. With these tools, you and you staff can now properly evaluate the client’s current state of fitness, and plan what steps needs to be taken to reach their client’s goals.

Enhance Your Member’s Performance

Holding your client accountable for daily or weekly goals is essential if you want to meet your client’s goals within a certain timeframe.  To help reinforce this concept, give your clients access to your WOD tracking tools. By using a fitness app or student portal, your clients will be able to view their past performances and log any personal milestones and skills achieved to date. This will help to further motivate the client in the process while keeping them accountable for daily tasks.

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