Fitness Class Attendance App

Fitness Class Attendance App

Whether it is because of lifestyle or routine changes, vacations, or kids being out of school, fitness attendance and new sign-ups can take a hit during the summer. Recent studies show during the summer months that revenue declines for fitness centers by a remarkable amount. Since childhood, the summer season gives a feeling of a break from the everyday routine of life and work. Family vacations and day trips can have fitness pushed to the back burner for your members that are fully engaged in Summer Slacker mode! Gym attendance can be boosted with using some of the below tips in correlation with your gym membership management software.

fitness class attendance app

Amp Up Your Summer Attendance

Host summer themed events that members can compete in challenges outside of their normal, daily routine. Fun trials like obstacle courses or summer theme costume contests will incorporate the summer mindset with staying active. You can charge entry fees and sell products at the events. Our fitness class attendance app helps keep track of your members. Get the community involved by hosting a Neighborhood Kickball Tournament and cross-promoting with other business owners in your area. RhinoFit Product store and Events software features can help organize these events.

Outdoor Group Or Family Fitness

Many busy parents put their personal fitness goals on hold during the summer because the kids are out of school and have to be entertained. Make a summer splash with families by offering group exercise classes geared towards family fun. Use our fitness class attendance app to keep track of your members. Gym member retention is best achieved when the members feel personally attached and there is nothing more personal then spending time with family.

Summer Promo Codes

Ride the wave of the free-spirited summer attitude by offering whimsical branded deals. Don’t be afraid to get a little zany and unconventional. Attendance will less likely suffer if you are grabbing potential or current members. Creating a special where current members can bring a friend is never a bad idea!  Try using something like a 2 For 1 Summer Splash Pass to double your member sign-up and/or attendance! RhinoFit has Promo codes and Discounts available for any tier of the software and easily set by the business owner!

All of these ideas can be easily implemented and automated by RhinoFit Gym Membership Management Software.

Let Us Show You How To Use Our Fitness Class Attendance App!

If yo would like to learn how to use our fitness class attendance app please schedule a demo today.

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