Small Gym Owners: Management Tips for Success

Small Gym Owners: Management Tips for Success

Are You The Owner Of A Small Gym?

Generally speaking, small gym owners don’t have large budgets like the big box gyms. With that being said, making the best use of available resources should be a top priority. In order to ensure that your facility runs efficiently and turns a profit, you should begin with a powerful management software. 

Gym Management Software easily handles the challenges associated with owning a smaller facility. Most of the time-consuming tasks like check-ins, member management, and retention can all be simplified with the proper software solution. 

In this article we will highlight how owners typically do things by hand, and how those operations can be simplified with gym software.

Small Gym Management .vs Gym Management Software

Member Check-Ins

Smaller gyms don’t have the staff necessary to man the front desk. Owners are forced to place paper and pen at the desk and hope members sign themselves in properly. These sign-in logs are then filed away for future use. Even though the logs are saved each day, they can’t be used for attendance tracking or other reporting purposes.

Now, with management software, owners can streamline the check in process! Members have the ability to scan themselves in with a key tag or bar code. This action creates a digital record of entry which can be used at a later date. Even better, position a sign in kiosk at the front desk for members to check themselves into classes and appointments. Once again, all the data is stored may be used at a later date.

Collecting Payments At A Small Gym

Collecting monthly payments presents most gym owners with quite a challenge. Waiting for members to attend a class, or hunting them down in the gym uses up valuable time. Without a proper management system owners might not even know they’re missing payments.

Using gym management software guarantees you’ll get paid each month. Setting up automated recurring payments provides owners with a way to bill a credit card on file or submit an ACH payment against the members checking account. Failed payments appear in a report, so you always know who owes you money.

Liability Waivers

Liability waivers are standard equipment in most fitness locations. However, they create a lot of unnecessary paper that needs to be filed away for future use. They’re hard to manage if the waiver changes and must be resigned. Not only that, but all that paper stacking up in a small location presents quite a fire hazard.

On the other hand, with digital waivers, you can easily create waivers for your athletes to sign online with an integrated gym management software. You can also easily see which members have signed waivers, and which waivers pertain to their membership. With digital waivers, you can create a variety of waivers based on membership type, class, etc.

Financial Reporting At Small Gyms

For many gym owners, Excel is your best friend! There’s no problem with that, but in the long run, it might not be the most efficient way to run your gym. From time to time you can lose track of information, and data entry simply takes too much time while you’re running a business.

Gym software offers detailed reporting features that eliminate the need for Excel, however, you can still export the pertinent information to Excel, it will always be stored in your software! This gives gym owners the benefit of being able to track a variety of important financial metrics.

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