5 Ways to Increase Gym Membership Sales

5 Ways to Increase Gym Membership Sales

Would You Like To Increase Membership Sales At Your Gym?

Membership sales drive revenue and keep a gym busy. Owning a gym can be a tough enough without having to worry about declining membership sales. Typically, gym owners should always look for new ideas to help sell more memberships. Their number one question should be, “how can I sell more memberships at my gym”.

Over time, the goal should be to continuously increase memberships to sustain success and growth. However, membership sales tend to slow down during the off-season, so what should a gym owner do to keep sales up?  Keep reading to learn more about the gym membership sales strategy process.

Make Joining as Easy as Possible!

Make it easy for prospective members to join your gym. The quicker the signup process, the better! Remove any stumbling blocks for those about to purchase a membership. Consider using an online signup form or a prospect widget. Allow them to complete the sign up form online, or have them fill out half of their info online and the remainder at the gym. Nobody wants to fill out endless paperwork to join a gym. Too much paperwork could possibly scare prospects away. Consider integrating digital waivers to expedite the onboarding process.

To Sell More Memberships, Learn Your Competition

In order to sell more memberships, you must first know your competition! Second, learn what they offer, how much they charge for their services, and what hours they’re open. If you know your gym offers the lowest priced memberships, make it known! If you have quality personal trainers and classes, present this to your prospects. Finally, make sure to clearly display your strengths over your competitors. Sometimes it only takes one thing to make a big difference when selling a membership.

Incorporate Referral Programs & Upsell Memberships

The easiest way to generate more membership sales is from your current members. If you have members on a base membership package, give them a free 14-day upgrade and then try and upsell your higher-tier memberships. If your gym is class-based, try and upsell your larger class packages to members only doing a class or two per week. Another great way to sell more memberships is to incorporate a friends and family referral program! This is the easiest way to get people in your gym, and you can also reward your current clients!

Personalize the Sales Experience

Nobody wants to feel rushed into purchasing a membership if the gym won’t fit their needs. Tailor your tours to the individual needs of your prospect. Showcase the classes or equipment that benefits your prospect most. Make sure to show them how joining your gym will help them reach their fitness goals.

Additionally, let them know they can communicate with the gym using their preferred method. Whether text, email, or over the phone, someone at the gym will always be there for them. Making potential members feel wanted and cared about will most definitely increase membership sales.

Continually Evaluate Your Sales Efforts

Constantly re-evaluate your sales efforts and their success rate. Make sure to allocate approximately 70% of your marketing budget to proven promotions that work. The remaining 30% should be allocated to new methods and ideas. While some methods may work consistently, trying out new marketing and promotional ideas cannot be overlooked. Never stop trying to find ways to increase gym membership sales.

Upgrade Your Gym Software with RhinoFit

RhinoFit offers several features to make selling more memberships at your gym simple. We offer a free demonstration of our software, and the best pricing in the fitness industry. We look forward to hearing from you.

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