Client Benchmark Accomplishments
Our Benchmarks feature has been upgraded and is now available on the mobile app. Both gym staff and individual athletes can log benchmarks to keep track of progress and work out accomplishments.
Once logged into your RhinoFit account, follow these directions online or on your mobile app to start logging your benchmarks.
Step 1: Select people under the People section. This will bring you to a list of your clients and staff members.
Step 2: Select the client that you would like to add a benchmark for by clicking on their name. This will bring you into their account information.
Step 3: Open the Benchmarks section which will allow you to view all previously logged benchmarks. Click on + Add Benchmark to log a new entry.
Step 4: A pop-up will become visible allowing you to enter in a benchmark. The Benchmark: section will allow you to select which benchmark to log. The Date: section will allow you to select today’s date or to log a benchmark for a previous day. The Measurement: section will allow you to log in the data for the benchmark. Each benchmark measurement will correspond to the type of benchmark selected. Click save once you’ve accurately logged in a benchmark. Don’t see a benchmark type that you would like to utilize? Email customer support at [email protected] , your feedback is appreciated.
RhinoFit has added several reports for benchmarks. To access your benchmark reports please click Reports under the Home section.
The RhinoFit team appreciates your questions, comments, and concerns. With your feedback- we are constantly upgrading and adding additional features to make our system the best gym management software. For assistance with our Benchmarks feature, any other feature, or have feedback- please call 866-858-0304