To Rx or Not to Rx? – Bring It On 15.2

To Rx or Not to Rx? – Bring It On 15.2

Just as our rips are beginning to heal from 15.1 (hello toes-to-bar) we’re ready for another week of the CrossFit Open.

15.2 Is Not Just A Number
To your non-CrossFitting friends 15.2 is just a number. But to your CrossFit friends that number has been on the tip of everyone’s tongues since the scores from 15.1 (and 15.1a) were set in stone on Monday night with Maude Charron coming in as the individual women’s champion, and Nick Urankar coming in first place for the men’s division.

Maude and Nick are some pretty BAMFs. For comparison, I’m currently ranked 22,715 out of 108,616 for the individual women worldwide (top 21%) and 2,229 out of 11,246 (top 19%) in the North East region. #ImANumbersNerd

Top 21% in the world? I'll take it. Not headed to the Games but I am competing against myself.
Top 21% in the world? I’ll take it. Not headed to the Games but I am competing against myself.

Trying To Prepare For What Castro Has In Store
I love seeing the work RhinoFit’s clients are putting in to get ready for whatever CrossFit mastermind Dave Castro throws at them. We also love seeing the successes that the Open Wods bring.

What are your predictions for tonight?
Now we’re just about an hour away from Dave Castro’s live announcement of the CrossFit Games Open workout 15.2. I don’t know about you, but I’m nervous and excited.

Double Unders and Overhead Squats.
That’s my guess. What’s yours? Do you think there’s going to be another “heavy” element like we predicted for 15.1?

Let us know in the comments!

And may the Wods be ever in your favor!

-Erin (and the RhinoFit team)

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