To Rx Or Not To RX? Anticipating The CrossFit Games Open 2015

To Rx Or Not To RX? Anticipating The CrossFit Games Open 2015

We’re Excited.
The 2015 CrossFit Games Open is just a few weeks away and all of us here at RhinoFit can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. For the first time the 2015 CrossFit Games Open will have a scaled division.

It sounds to me like CrossFit Headquarters was listening when Breaking Muscle wrote last year that the Open should have a competitive level (those who could qualify for the Games) and a participator level (for the rest of us). This suggestion sounds a lot like the format for any weekend throwdown – there’s a competitive level and there’s usually a scaled or participatory level.

So here’s what we like about the new format:
We think it will encourage more people to participate. According to the Affiliate Yearbook’s 2013 (most recent survey) data, most gyms have about a 20% participation rate for the Open. We expect, that with the expansion of a scaled division that this participation rate will go up.

Here’s what we’re a little bummed about:
In the 2014 CrossFit Games Open there were major outcries when 14.1 was announced and the first movement was double unders. 2015’s scaled option will probably mean that athletes will have the option to do single unders. We think it’s going to be heavier. Really heavy (my downfall). I enjoyed last year seeing how I stacked up against the rest of the globe.

Yep, I could see how well I did against the most badass girls on the planet, Annie Thorisdottir, Julie Foucher, and of course Camille Leblanc-Bazinet. Being a numbers nerd I thought it was the coolest thing ever to track my progress and sort through the stats using the Crossfit Games Open iPhone App. The team here at RhinoFit will be competing and tracking our progress. We’re looking to challenge ourselves and maybe hit a PR or two.

How many people from your CrossFit box usually participate?

We want to hear from you in the comments!

Till next time,


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