Turn your Gym Into a 24/7 Money Making Machine!

turn your gym into a money maker with rhinofit gym software

Turn your Gym Into a 24/7 Money Making Machine!

Looking for a way to make money at your gym after hours? While you sleep? RhinoFit can help with our door access control!

With higher rent and soaring inflation, many gym owners are looking for creative ways to generate additional income at their facility. Rather than adding additional fitness classes or staff members, you should consider automating your gym’s operational tasks to run more efficiently on its own – 24/7.

Here are just a few ways we can help you turn your gym into a 24/7 money making machine.

1. Use A Door Access Control

24/7 Gym AccessGym members expect to access your gym at irregular hours, and it’s a waste of time to check each member in individually. You can make this process convenient for your members and staff with a 24/7 door access control (DAC) system.

With RhinoFit’s 24/7 Door Access system, you can extend your operating hours and track visitation patterns at your facility without hiring additional employees. Your members can access your gym with custom key tags and cards, or with the mobile app barcode on their phone. If your members are behind on their payments, they will be denied access to your gym and notified that they need to pay their bill. Our system helps with security by allowing you to ban members for breaking rules and being a nuisance. And since all of this is automated, you can save your employees the awkwardness of a confrontation with unruly members.

2. Automate your Membership Billing

Anyone who’s ever managed a gym knows how tedious it is to deal with collecting your monthly membership fees.  No one wants to deal with chasing down members for payments or updating expired credit cards. By adding membership management software, you can accept one-time or recurring ACH and credit card payments with ease. Set up your membership fees to bill automatically on a weekly, biweekly, monthly, or yearly basis.  Easily run reports and get alerts for expired credit cards.

3. Digitize your Paperwork – Go Paperless with Digital Waivers!

Digital Waivers TransparentAnother inconvenience of running a gym is all the paperwork to collect and track. You can streamline this process by converting your existing paperwork into a digital form. With digital waivers, you can create custom digital waivers, contracts, and other health forms depending on the needs of your business. This makes it easier to onboard new members, and you’ll save money going paperless!

4. Set up a Membership & Product Store

Product Store 2Automate your membership and product sales by adding an online store to your gym!  Set up your own product store to sell membership packages, t-shirts, or sports nutrition products. This is an excellent way to maximize revenue at your gym while streamlining your online sales. Plus, with a gym software program you can easily manage your products, track inventory, and calculate taxes.

Get Started with RhinoFit Today!

 Whether you’re a seasoned gym owner or just starting out, our RhinoFit software has the quality features you need to take your business to the next level. Learn how to maximize the revenue at your gym while helping to eliminate the extra time and money spent managing your current members and staff.

So give us a call and schedule a live demo with one of our software consultants!


Get Started with RhinoFit Today!

Whether you’re a seasoned gym owner or just starting out, our RhinoFit software has the quality features you need to take your business to the next level. Learn how to maximize the revenue at your gym while helping to eliminate the extra time and money spent managing your current members and staff.

So give us a call and schedule a live demo with one of our software consultants!

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