Busson’s Barbells

Wide angle shot of the Brusson's gym

Busson’s Barbells

Personal Bio

My husband and I alongside my 1-year-old son own this 24/7 fitness facility together, as well as a coffee shop. All located in our little hometown of Doylestown, Ohio. We have an extreme passion for health and wellness so getting to help our town reach their fitness goals is the most rewarding thing we could do together. Our family also is extremely passionate about the outdoors with things like hunting, and fishing. That being said, we incorporated it into our gym making it something unlike anything else you have ever seen. Our gym is decorated with local whitetail deer, and fish on the walls playing into the country feel of our hometown. Our facility is perfect for all kinds of people from serious lifters like my husband.to moms looking to bring their child alongside while they work out during the day.

What Services Are You Currently Using With RhinoFit?

Affiliate Link, Software, and Door Access Control

How Long Have You Used RhinoFit?

We have been using RhinoFit since we opened our gym a little over a year ago.

What Type Of Classes Or Services Do You Currently Offer To Your Community?

We offer a facility that will fit anyone’s fitness goals. We offer a large variety of free weights, plate loaded machines, squat racks, smith machines, cables, pin loaded machines, and other strength training equipment for weightlifters. Alongside a large variety of cardio equipment, as well as offering yoga, and meditation classes. Our gym is extremely family friendly…you are welcome to bring your child alongside you to workout, or we also have a children’s playroom they can hang out while parents workout.

What Type Of Products Do You Sell Online Or At Your Facility?

We sell protein, pre workout, and recovery supplements inside the facility. As well as a vending machine full of ready to drink supplement options.

How Has Our Affiliate Program Helped To Support And Grow Your Business?

 So far the affiliate program has been great to drawing attention to the gym bringing in something new to offer to our members. People like to see new things being offered to the gym, and selling supplements in house did just that.

Where Can People Go To Sign Up For Your Classes Or Services?

People can sign up in person during staffed hours, as well as reaching out to us through our social media platforms.

Bussons Logo Displayed inside the business
Rack of free weights inside of Brusson's Gym
The Brusson family
Wide angle shot of the Brusson's gym
Wall with mounted game animals inside the gym
Review our creatine powder

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