Increase online sales at your gym by following these 5 steps!

Increase online sales at your gym

Increase online sales at your gym by following these 5 steps!

Looking for new ways to increase online sales at your gym? It all starts with your website!

Don’t have a website yet?  You can start by purchasing a domain name through GoDaddy or another domain registration service.  The next step is to start building your website! If you’re not website savvy, we suggest that you find a local website developer to help with the initial website design process. You can also use a website builder such as Wix or Squarespace. 

Let’s start the website launch party!  

The last thing you want to do is host a party and have no one show up! You have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on decorations but what is the fun if you can’t show them off? The same can be said for building a new website! Creating a website is a great way to show off your brand, but it does no good if no one is actually visiting your website.  So how do you get more people to visit your website and create additional sales? 

Below are 5 steps that you can take to help increase online sales:

1. Sparkle up your website!

Your first impression is usually the lasting impression! So, put up the decorations and give your website an additional sparkle! Make your brand stand out by adding your company’s theme colors. Add a dynamic slider or video that captures your website visitor’s attention! To build your company’s credibility include testimonials of your members with before and after pictures. Invite your current members to the party! Let it be known that you have launched a new website for your members!

2. Optimize your search terms, readability, and page speed

Now that the invitations have been sent out, it’s time to see who is coming to the party!

Your goal is to drive in new visitors to your website. Therefore, you need to make sure your website is optimized for any user. Before releasing your new website, be sure to test the website content to make sure it properly loads on any type of mobile, tablet, or desktop device!

To help get your website noticed add relevant search terms into your website. There are tools that you can use for keyword planning as well as third party SEO companies that you can hire to help with that process. Search Engine Optimization will help with getting your page ranked higher with Google and other search engines. Also, keep in mind that readability and page speed are also factors in how well your pages are indexed.

To measure the responsiveness there are several tools that are available through Google Analytics and WordPress. This way you can measure amount of website visitors, search terms used to find your page, and page load speed.

3. Add relevant content that appeals to your customer base

Understand what your friends like! Some of your friends might be trying to watch their figure so potato chips might not be their first choice for a party snack! The same can be said for building content. Make your posts easy to digest! Understanding your typical buyer’s persona will go a long way in creating content that is relevant and useful for any potential members.

To increase online signups, add a fitness blog or page that that is relevant to your fitness program. Be sure that your posts align with your member’s interests and goals. For example, your client base might be mostly soccer moms between the ages 30-50 that are looking to lose weight. For this audience, you would want to create targeted weight loss articles and diet tips that pertain to that age group and sex. This will not only increase your relevance score, but also help to increase your organic rankings for specific keywords.

4. Run time-sensitive online specials, promotions, and deals

When do you need to RSVP by? Create urgency! Give your prospective members a timeline that they need to sign up by. Highlight any current promotions, free trial offers, or training package specials on your website.

By limiting the sign-up spots available for special trial offers or membership specials, you can create an additional incentive to take action now rather than procrastinating. Plus, if you limit the promotion to ”online only” it encourages more people to visit your website. To maximize the offer, cross-promote the promotion on social media by sharing that link on your local Google listing, Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter, or Instagram page.

5. Create a product & membership store

Lastly, you need to have an easy method to RSVP for your party! By adding a membership sign up form or product store you can simplify the checkout process for any potential or existing members. This way new members can also register for a free class, purchase a product online, or sign up for promotional membership.

Additionally, to increase online sales for your gym you might also want to consider selling t-shirts, supplements, or other fitness gear on your product store! This could add hundreds to thousands of dollars in additional revenue for your gym!

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