Read Our Blog To Learn More About RhinoFit & How To Grow Your Gym
At RhinoFit we’re here to simplify gym management software for all types of gyms, studios, and recreation centers. With powerful features to automate gym operations, we give you all the tools to succeed and grow with us.
Application Updates Regarding Group Memberships and Grace Periods as they would impact Door Access Control entry. The settings of your facility now support the following
For a limited time only, RhinoFit is offering a special introductory package that includes our website templates, EMV point of sale terminal, and affiliate link
RhinoFit has released a new integrated point-of-sale terminal for it’s users. This enhanced functionality will enable gym owners to quickly and securely accept real-time point-of-sale
RhinoFit is proud to announce that we have launched our new supplement line for our users! The premium sports nutrition line includes a full line
Looking for new ways to increase online sales at your gym? It all starts with your website! Don’t have a website yet? You can start
RhinoFit™ is proud to announce that we have launched our new gym website templates for our users! The dynamic websites are designed to boost online
September 22nd is World Rhino Day! Join RhinoFit in celebrating these powerful, majestic creatures with some interesting facts. Did you know? Today, only 27,000 rhinos remain
Did your gym encounter any financial hardships during 2020 or 2021 due to supply chain disruptions or Covid restrictions? If so, your business may be eligible to
We can agree that running a business takes a lot of effort, strategy, time, and money. We at RhinoFit®, want to commend every single business
Create A Product Store In Minutes One way to create an additional revenue source for your gym is to set up a product store with RhinoFit!
3001 Eastland Blvd, Suite 5, Clearwater, FL 33761
Service: 800-947-3156 | Sales: 866-858-0304
Copyright © 2015 RhinoFit®, All Rights Reserved. Rhino Software is a DBA of Gulf Management Systems, Inc. (GMS). GMS is a registered agent of Strategic Payment Systems, Inc (SPS). SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Walnut Creek, CA, SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, NE. American Express® requires separate approval.