Read Our Blog To Learn More About RhinoFit & How To Grow Your Gym
At RhinoFit we’re here to simplify gym management software for all types of gyms, studios, and recreation centers. With powerful features to automate gym operations, we give you all the tools to succeed and grow with us.
Member Retention Keeps Your Gym Full As a business owner, member retention should be a top priority. Some owners feel that increasing their monthly marketing
September 22nd is World Rhino Day! Join us in celebrating these peaceful, majestic creatures with some interesting facts. There are five species of the Rhinoceros. Two
Word Of Mouth Is The Best Referral Possible In order to grow a customer referral network, word of mouth advertising cannot be ignored. Responsible for
How Can Social Media Help My Business Grow? Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities. In fact, in 2020 alone over
Product Store To The Rescue! Product stores bring in additional revenue. Set up a retail or online shop to bring in extra revenue and maximize
Why Do I Need Digital Waivers? Digital waivers can help protect gym owners against a lawsuit. While not an ironclad defense, a signed waiver demonstrates
Website Traffic Is Plentiful Website traffic continues to grow year after year. In 2021, over 2.14 billion people worldwide will buy goods and services online.
Email Marketing Is Here To Stay Email marketing reaches billions of people daily. With about 1.5 billion people checking their Gmail each day, you can
Gym Marketing Made Easy Marketing your gym to the right audience requires a certain set of skills. While not every gym owner starts out with
Gym Scheduling Software Keeps You On Track Planning is a key component to owning a successful business. Using the right gym scheduling software not only
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Copyright © 2015 RhinoFit®, All Rights Reserved. Rhino Software is a DBA of Gulf Management Systems, Inc. (GMS). GMS is a registered agent of Strategic Payment Systems, Inc (SPS). SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Walnut Creek, CA, SPS is a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, NE. American Express® requires separate approval.